New horizons

Since we've moved to Champlin, I've become much more adept at entertaining. And cooking. Although the cooking is hit or miss. But we usually either have people over for dinner or bring dinner to people (friends with young children) once a week or so. And we typically have dinner with Hubs' parents about once a week also. So, my hit or miss cooking skills are becoming more consistently hit (although they really couldn't have gone much farther in the other direction) and I'm starting to be one of those people who has things on hand. You know how it is: you open a cookbook to a recipe and you find that in order to make said recipe you only need to run to the store for a main ingredient or two. All the sub-ingredients (spices, sauces, oils, seeds) are in your cabinets.

I'll post some recent recipes that have worked well for me. Tonight I've made Shrimp Louisiana-Style with rice and a cold Sesame Asparagus Salad. The ILs are headed over and Hubs should be waltzing in the door from work any minute. We'll see how the meal turns out - you never know first time around till you've got your fork to your mouth (and, sometimes unfortunately, so does everyone else sitting at your table). I've also chilled a Riesling and made fresh strawberries with whipped cream for dessert. A bit of a farewell ode to summer, via food.



Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

Let us know how it goes... sounds wonderful, and post recipes!

11:37 PM
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

I really miss cooking, but 125 some odd head of horses and another nearly 300 head of cows keep me so busy I haven't time to cook like that anymore; plus, try finding gourmet food ingredients at the Wal-Mart in South Dakota. You know, they've never heard of ancho chili peppers up here? Yeah...

8:16 AM
Bob said...

Okay..I mentioned losing weight in my blog, but it isn't easy when there is a 28 year old culinary arts student living with you making/baking/cooking/sauteeing/maserating all sorts of good food! We've not eaten such good food so often, but it's easy not to overeat when what you are being served is soooo good, it's like your brain is just happy for small portions of EXCELLENT food, rather than 'wanting' more mediocre food...does that make sense? Anyway L, keep on cooking! (make saffron a secret ingredient)

10:12 AM
HeatherPride said...

oh yeah, that was always one of my mother's cardinal rules - never make something for company that you haven't made yourself first! but I live dangerously like that.

1:50 PM
xxxx said...

Ohhh, I want to come! ;)

10:33 PM
Anonymous said...

Cooking and sharing a meal is a way to spread the love.

9:15 AM