
Halfway through the week! Wednesdays are one of my favorite days, because it's the only weeknight that both Hubs and I are home other than Friday. So I'm going to turn the computer off and spend some quality time with my man :) Oh, and with my dog. Hero likes to be included in everything.



Okay, I have 6 minutes to write this post. We had a whirlwind weekend up on the North Shore at Hubs' cousin's wedding. We packed on Friday, left early Saturday morning, and got back late yesterday evening. Then Hero knocked over a glass of bright red Crystal Light on our white bedroom carpet and the unsuccessful attempt to clean that up took most of our Sunday night. Needless to say, we're already counting down the days until next weekend, when we can actually relax.

But we had a nice weekend - it was beautiful up north. Lake Superior really is lovely and the leaves are all changing colors which made the drive spectacular. We stopped off for a hike at Gooseberry Falls on the way home and though it was freezing, it was refreshing to be out in the brisk fall air.

Now it's snowing, for the second time in the past three days. Snowing in October. I may never get used to this place.


Cloudy skies, cozy days

It's been rainy for days. Dreary, overcast, cold, icky. I'm sitting on the couch with the fire going watching Harry Potter in the background and I'm almost forgetting I have to go to work in about an hour. I wish I could stay here all day. Although I've been going back and forth about the merits of working from home, lately I'm starting to fall on the side of definitely a plus. I'll miss my work friends a lot, because we keep each other going on the tough weeks. But I'll gain at least 2.5 hours a day when you count showering, primping, and commuting time.

Yeah, if I work from home I may never shower again.

Anyway, dreams for a murky wet day.

I had a lovely rest of my weekend. On Saturday we spent most of the day planning for our dining room renovations. Since the dining room decor will be carried into the kitchen (eventually) there's a lot to consider when choosing colors, etc. Then on Sunday I spent some time reading at our newly remodeled Starbucks, ran some errands, and spent the rest of the day cooking comfort food (mozerella stuffed meat loaf and parmesean potatoes) and cleaning while Hubs and my friend C hung out and watched a cute movie (Golden Boys, I recommend it). It was a perfect end to the weekend. And I was very productive in my cleaning!

I'm about to finish a book I really enjoyed called A Body to Die For - a cute mystery. The prequel to it is waiting for me at the library, so I'll probably go pick it up on my way to work. I was thinking the other day how much I love to read. I'm very grateful that people write books :)

Next week we get the movietron hooked up! That's what we've fondly dubbed our movie projector and screen. I've missed the movietron. It'll be great for the winter, especially this winter when we've spent all our money on IF treatment and can't afford to do anything other than rent a flick from Redbox. I'm a little nervous because hookup requires running wires through the wall, but that's why we've enlisted the help of professionals. And now hopefully we'll spend more time in the basement. It's great down there and the huge overstuffed sofas are perfect for relaxing and cuddling in for an evening. I just never go down there. I don't know why. I'm just more used to the other two floors of the house, I guess.

Have you noticed I have very little to say? I'm trying to be a better blogger but lately life seems a lot more boring - even though there's so much going on - than it used to be. It's very settled. Which I wouldn't trade for the world, but it doesn't make for very intriguing reading.


A change of taste

Two random facts from my day thus far:

  • Hero ripped up my favorite camisole and I want to kill him just a little bit. I almost cried - I've worn it at least once a week every week for the past five years. I've already checked to see if Banana Republic still carries something comparable but it doesn't look promising. Usually Hero goes for socks (Hubs') and underwear (mine) from the hamper, but today for whatever reason he decided to branch out and try something with a hint cotton and some subtle undertones of spandex.
  • I now love Snickers. I've always hated them. I'm not sure what to make of that. It just happened last week, when I discovered some mini Snickers in a fridge at work that - I later realized - is marked with a sign reading "For board meetings only please." That's right, the whole fridge. And there's lots of good stuff in there. I had about 10 before I actually noticed the sign (in my defense, despite the fact that it's the only thing on the surface of the large stainless steel door, the sign was really rather small) and then had to shove all the wrappers in my purse instead of in my trash can so I wouldn't be discovered.



Okay, I'm not where I wanted to be with the blogging but I'm gradually getting better. One major obstacle is that I can't blog from work - Blogger is blocked by the company's IT team in an attempt to keep us all from clogging and slowing down the system with uneccesary internet usage. It's a recent development that Blogger joined the ranks of Facebook and lots of other fun sites. Fortunately when I worked last Saturday I was still able to order underwear from Victoria's Secret on comany time. Explain that.

Last week I'd been thinking that maybe it was about time for me to look for a new job. I figured I'd been there six months, it was an okay time to put out feelers. Not ideal, but given it'd be the only blip on my resume it could probably be explained away. Then I counted on my fingers and realized - with much sadness - I've only been at my job for four months. Crap.

Friday I had the day off, and Hubs took the day off too. We went to the aquarium at the Mall of America and then out to dinner. It was a lovely day, but we were both exhausted. Friday'll do that to you. I'd been out late the night before with a friend, splitting a piece of chocolate cake and catching up. Hubs had been working all week to finish some budget projections that consistently kept him up until the early morning hours. Hero, however, had boundless energy.

Oddly, things with the IF stuff feel good. Mostly because for the first time in a long time I feel like we're ready, and I think Hubs feels that way too. It's not a question anymore of should we?, just a question of how do we? And now that we're working with a fantastic and dedicated new team, they've assured us we should leave the worrying - at least the worrying about that - to them. And I have to say, all the hand holding is very welcomed.

Speaking of hand holding, my mom is coming to visit! Not until January, but she'll be here for two weeks. It'll be around the time when Hubs will be a away at a conference, which is how I planned it since I hate to be alone in the house. I can't wait to have some quality mother/daughter bonding.

As I type this, I'm in bed sipping my Starbucks and listening to Hubs breathing as he sleeps beside me. Hero is curled up by my feet. I can't imagine a better Saturday morning.