What a difference a week makes

I'm definitely feeling like we're close(r) to being ready for this baby now. Whew. I was getting worried there for a minute (if you couldn't tell). But it's like suddenly things are coming together and falling into place and we've made great headway on the nursery and have most of what we need. And.. .knock on wood... have a relatively open weekend to tie up loose ends - something that's very hard to come by in the McHousehold.

Hubs took yesterday off work and did a lot to get us moving in this positive direction. I also hit Babies R Us on my way into the office today and that didn't hurt either.

Yesterday our friends went into the hospital for a c-section for their second child and both mom and baby are happy, healthy and doing well. Hubs is going to see them tonight while I'm stuck at work. I wanted to go see them too, but I'm sure this or next week we'll have the chance to bring them dinner and visit their newest addition.

We had our 'friends' baby shower on Sunday - finally a couples one! I think I mentioned in a previous post that we'd just found out the hosts of our shower are pregnant as well! We're so excited for them. I already gave A a bunch of my dresses (maternity and some not) to help expand her 'suddenly none of my clothes fit' wardrobe. I'm looking forward to handing down the rest of my maternity clothes soon...

Clearly, I'm on baby overload :)

So life goes on and things just continue to unfold. It's weird to think that the next set of baby pictures going out through mass email among the friends will be ours!