In the moment

I think the hardest part about having a baby is that not everything can be figured out at once. There's a lot of undecides and wait-and-sees. For example, my maternity leave. Not sure how much time I'm going to take yet. And HR won't meet with me to go over everything and get the process started for another month.

One thing we do know now is that Hubs will take his paternity leave in a 4 week chunk immediately after the baby is born, so we'll be home together as a family for 4 weeks - YAY! I know we'll be sleep deprived and adjusting to having a baby in the house, etc. but it sounds like bliss to me - 4 whole weeks together!!!

Another unknown is the daycare situation. Centers are perfectly willing to sign you up today, but in-home providers are unsure of what their openings will be come late summer/early fall. They tell me it's early to start looking. EARLY?!?! As a planner, I feel months behind on everything!

I'm itching to get the nursery done I think because of all these other unknowns. I want a place that's baby-ready, since I'm not feeling baby-ready right now, I just need to stay in the moment, and know it will all get figured out. Eventually.



Jessica White said...

The nursery was one thing that I could plan and have control over...probably why I had started it 4 years ago.

10:56 AM
Melissa said...

And then comes the second baby and you'll think, "Oh, heck. I'm not going to do anything till she's 6 months old...I'm too busy chasing this one to worry about paint on that one's walls." :o)
I can't wait to hear how you decorate it (and share pictures??) :o)

4:52 PM