
I can't explain it. My parents are here. My sis arrives tomorrow with her husband and kids. But today while my mom and I were grocery shopping, I couldn't stop my eyes from welling up. I don't know why. Or what. But it's there.

Why? Why, when there's so much to be happy about, do I have to feel so awful now?



Casey said...

Aww, sorry you're sad. I think it's because you've been holding everything inside and now that your family is there and you're comfortable around them, it's all coming out. It's like going back to home base and feeling safe...

7:11 PM
DeeMarie said...

Sometimes it just happens. I'm so sorry, sweetie. Hugs.

7:35 PM
calicobebop said...

I'm sorry you feel sad. It's an emotional time of year - frankly, my feeling du jour is "overwhelmed." I hope that it gets better for you soon. I'm sending virtual hugs your way!

8:12 PM
HeatherPride said...

You know, sometimes the holiday season itself brings on the blues. It's contradictory, I know - but it's happened to me. And you've hit some rough spots in the road lately.

Are you ok? Are enough people asking you this? Are you trying too hard to be ok? I'm thinking about you. I wish I could hug you.

10:28 PM
Bob said...

Glad to see you are blogging again Laura. As far as the emotions, I agree with a couple others. It's that time of year that emotions are right there on the top of the skin. You've been through a lot this year, my goodness Laura! The move, Hero, the not-yet-baby,quitting one job and waiting for a new job,and now lots of company and the holidays and the stress that goes with it all. You'll pull through and be better for it. Keep busy! (okay, I know you will) HUGS...

10:37 PM
Aloicoius said...

I'm gonna guess hormones? Or it could be it could be that teeny tiny aliens have taken over the molecular structures of your brain and are having a disco. But most likely hormones.

Cheer up chapstick! That's what my little brother tells me when I get all emotional. When I get like that, even when everything's mostly good, I just know I'm about to start the big P.

Also, FYI I think you're a saint for sticking with the puppy training! So many people would have given that dog away in a second and you are an angel for stepping up and deciding to work with him. LOVES!!

12:17 AM
xxxx said...

I totally totally totally understand. I am so sorry ... that is a horrible feeling. You are amazing ... hang in there :)

1:30 AM
Anndi said...

You know, sometimes you keep things bottled up for so long and all it takes is the tiniest thing to set you off.

I don't know if it's of any comfort but from the comments left, you're valued. And also, not alone.

1:40 PM
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

I'm going to say, Here! Here! to all of the above comments, taking the easy way out and not add anything original to their thoughts. They already said it all anyway.

4:36 PM
zipbagofbones said...

I know what you mean! Hang in there. It will get better.

3:20 PM
Unknown said...

I get this way around the holidays and I have NO idea why. I cried yesterday because I couldn't get the freaking belt back on the vacuum cleaner and no one even offered to help!

10:04 AM