Snoozin' and cruisin'

Last night I fell asleep at around 10pm, and this morning I woke up at 5:45am. I ate some cereal and lay in bed reading. Husband was wide awake painting, checking emails, and watching VH1 countdowns on tv. But at around 6:40am or so I fell back to sleep. And I'm really sorry I did.

I had the worst nightmare. Husband and I were on a very small cruise ship that was hijacked. We weren't sure why or by whom, but every once in a while they would gather us all together on deck and choose one or two people to videotape for ransom. The first person chosen was a diplomat's daughter, but the second people chosen were Husband and I. I thought that they chose us because we were so affectionate with one another, and I assumed their plan would be to shoot one of us to show the devastation they were reeking. They didn't shoot either of us, but for the entire nightmare I was convinced that Husband would get shot. In part because he was mouthing off a bit, trying to figure out who the bad guys were and how to stop them. I kept telling him to please shut up, so that I didn't end up a widow. In the end they shot one young girl who recognized them and threatened to expose their plan, and they threw her overboard. But the rest of us were escorted off the ship and onto the dock moments later.

I'm annoyed that I didn't just stay awake this morning - it feels like time wasted. It's not like I felt rested after that. I felt emotionally drained and stressed. Last night I was so tired after our dinner in the North End that I didn't have the energy to pack for my required one hour, so tonight I have to do two hours to make up for it. If I'd ignored the urge to roll back over this morning I could have used that time to put a dent in my packing debt.