Are you beginning to realize that when we have kids, Hero will have an upsetting wake-up call? Because he's totally doted on. He's our baby, and he knows it. We take a million pictures of him, and basically the household revolves around him. He's loved about as much, and as seriously, as a puppy could be.Anyway, today we took him to the dog park. It's snowing nonstop, and by Sunday we're expected to have about a half foot (which isn't a lot considering, but it's very light flurries). It's about 20 degrees, so it's actually lovely to be outside. And as has been the case for the past week or two, the world here is white.
I really want this... please.... give it... I want it... give it...
Love that ball of fur!
He IS a cutie. About the snow, being east of Lake Michigan and on the west side of the state, we get a LOT of snow, most of it is lake effect (like Buffalo, NY gets). But you Minnesotans get the more frigid temperatures, so I guess it's a trade off. Either way, I still hate winter. And it's not because I'm old. .... okay, maybe it is.
We are enjoying it on our side of the cities as well. We pulled the kids around behind the truck today which is totally white trash but oh so much fun!
What's that white stuff?
Girl from California...I mean Old Broad from California....
You're gonna have a white christmas! yay!
I really need to get out and enjoy the snow. Yesterday would have been the day to do it, based on the thermometer this morning.
He's getting big!
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